Converged media in Nepal are using social media to engage with audience.,, are using social media to engage with their readers/viewers. They post news story and articles on facebook and tweet on twitter. So how many fans these three media have on facebook?
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The best tools I have encountered for doing journalism
Considering the ratio at which the developmental activities as well as political scenario is shaping up in Nepal in the recent time the advancement made in the sector of information technology is rather praiseworthy. This very leap in the sector of information technology has exposed technocrats and most importantly media persons to wide range of technological devices and make their news/output more productive. Right from print media, to television as well as online media technological devices such as mobile phone has turned out to be the most effective tool for reporting. Media person today tweet about the last happening for online as well as television broadcast through their mobile phones. Furthermore in a country like ours which has to face frequent that too prolonging power cuts, mobile phone is one device that has minimized the worries of journalists like me.
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Successful convergence news operations in Nepal
Converged media in Nepal are getting faster, popular and stronger. Following things have improved in the past few years in the converged news operation in Nepal.
1. Speed: News are updated as soon as the important events happen in the converged news media. In the earlier days the online didn’t use to update news as they are doing now. and other converged media generally update their content as soon as the event happen in Nepal.
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What could be the way out for televisions during the power cut?
Last updated on Jan 26, 2012.
Last year, Kantipur Television introduced lantern bulletin to highlight powercut in the country. Though the aim was to pressurize the government, power cut hasn’t decreased in Nepal. Instead it is increasing. (Here is a video report brodcasted on NTDTV about Nepal power shortage.)
Moreover televisions are facing a major problem because of the power cut. KTV has again launched lantern bulletin this year as well on Jan 24, 2012. So far 34 television channels have got license to operate/broadcast in Nepal and a dozen are currently on air. Continue reading
Can we expect apps from Nepali media in 2012?
I was in an organizing committee of a workshop, “Social Media for Learning,” that took place in Kathmandu on December 24. Though the topic was “learning,” i was not surprised with the diversity of the topics discussed. As many of us, journalists in the program, we discussed about the way Nepali media are functioning. Some questions that came time and again were: Why aren’t Nepali media serious about their online site? Are Nepali media conscious about the media convergence happening across the globe?
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Social Media connects audience
(Caption: Rajneesh Bhandari taking picture of India Gate, New Delhi. Photo by Ravi Bajpai.)
Kathmandu: A senior camera man called me “Nepali Kuire”, meaning Nepali foreigner. I was carrying a Canon 550 D camera while i was covering a special meeting of Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai with deputy Prime Minister and home minister Bijay Kumar Gachhadar recently. For him i looked like a foreigner, with a camera hanging on my neck and holding a notebook and pen.
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Witnessing the history
Six years of television journalism career has given me many experiences, unforgettable moments, adventurous lifestyle and a learning habit.
Ever since i started my internship in Kantipur Television there has been no looking back for me. In my initial days i reported about the historical April movement that ended monarchy and established republican form of government in Nepal. Working for television has given me opportunities to unfold stories on corruption, national security, defense, conflict, crime and other investigative stories.
It’s interesting to witness the history, write about it and also tell it to people.
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Podcast: Youth Voice for CHANGE
The presence of young, energetic and visionary youths from around the globe made the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum a unique platform. With the kind of passion and vigor shown by the youth at the Forum it seemed that everything is possible, the CHANGE is possible. I was very much interested to capture unique stories of everyone. But it wasn’t possible because of the time limit.
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What does CHANGE mean to you?
Change may mean different things to different youths. However, the six-letter word was one of the most talked words at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum.
For some it was “growth,” or “making a voice into result ,” and for some others it was all about doing “real stuff.” Continue reading
Slideshow: World Peace Flags and Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony
World Peace Flags and Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony organized by the Goi
Peace Foundation at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum.