The presence of young, energetic and visionary youths from around the globe made the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum a unique platform. With the kind of passion and vigor shown by the youth at the Forum it seemed that everything is possible, the CHANGE is possible. I was very much interested to capture unique stories of everyone. But it wasn’t possible because of the time limit.
However, I was able to get hold of some youth voices and one of them was of Khaled Bouzidi, a facilitator from Algeria also my roommate at the hotel. Khaled was the first person I met in Paris who was like me attending the Forum. One the first day we talked about youths, corruption, world affairs and about ourselves. But from the next day when we started working we both were so busy. We wouldn’t talk much in the room as we both were really tired after the day long work.
But on the last day, on our way to UNESCO building, I asked Khaled about his experience and thoughts about the Forum and other issues related to youths. Youth Voice for CHANGE from Rajneesh Bhandari on Vimeo.