The presence of young, energetic and visionary youths from around the globe made the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum a unique platform. With the kind of passion and vigor shown by the youth at the Forum it seemed that everything is possible, the CHANGE is possible. I was very much interested to capture unique stories of everyone. But it wasn’t possible because of the time limit.
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Category Archives: UNESCO
What does CHANGE mean to you?
Change may mean different things to different youths. However, the six-letter word was one of the most talked words at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum.
For some it was “growth,” or “making a voice into result ,” and for some others it was all about doing “real stuff.” Continue reading
Slideshow: World Peace Flags and Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony
World Peace Flags and Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony organized by the Goi
Peace Foundation at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum.
An interview with Monique Coleman
The youth journalists/bloggers, at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum, exclusively talked with Monique Coleman about her career, social work, ideas and also about different issues related to youths. Here is what she says:
On “Letters of Hope”
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Monique Coleman’s special message to youths
Monique Coleman’s special message to youths at the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum.
Monique Coleman’s special message to youths from Rajneesh Bhandari on Vimeo.
Let’s voice for change
How Youth Drive Change – UNESCO Youth Forum – 2011
Join the discussion on how youth drive change by using the #tag UNESCOyouth.
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