Converged media in Nepal are using social media to engage with audience.,, are using social media to engage with their readers/viewers. They post news story and articles on facebook and tweet on twitter. So how many fans these three media have on facebook?
1. Ekantipur: 80,772
2. Nagariknews: 58,508
3. Thehimalantimes: 3235 (The fan page was recently created)
On Twitter:
1. Nagariknews: 4,949
2. Thehimalayantimes: 451
(Data on February 08, 2012)
Social networking and social media are supporting the converged media. As a journalist i feel that social media has enormous power. And i use social media for following reasons:
1. to monitor news,
2. to post my news/articles/video/pictures/multimedia,
3. to engage/interact with my audience,
4. to follow topics/persons and
5. to learn new things
This month i was featured on Voice of Women, a popular monthly magazine on how i was becoming a part of social media phenomenon in Nepal. It featured my experience on how i am using social media to engage with my audience.
“I have access to internet 24 hours through my 3G mobile set. I not only access social media as a person wanting to keep in touch with friends and family, but also as a journalist trying to reach out to people, share information and get feedback on my stories. I always think twice or more before posting anything on the social networking site, and I don’t usually share anything too personal.”
Here is the link of the interview on becoming a part of the social media phenomena.