“A picture a day”

News story. News story. And another news story… This has actually been my routine these days. Working as a television journalist for the last six years in one of the leading televisions of Nepal, I have been largely dealing with different stories and characters. I have been doing up to four or five TV stories a day. These could be short to long format stories and also television packages.
Rickshaw Driver
It’s with both joy and pressure I deal with stories. There is always time pressure but I always look into stories with enthusiasm.

My last month was one of the busiest months, I was reporting about Sudan Scam, political events, corruption issues, crime, defense and many more.

But on this half sunny and half cloudy Saturday, when there is less work at the office, I am typing these words. Admits the busy schedule I have been successful to start a new facebook picture album titled “a picture a day”, that is also published on my flickr and google+. These pictures are the daily subject that I confront or sometimes they confront me. End.

P.S. Last month I was awarded the best journalist of the year by Kantipur Television Network for my investigative story on red passport. After handing me the award Kailash Shiroya, Chairman and also the Managing Director of KTV inspired me to “keep doing good stories.”

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